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Wish List
Ongoing Needs
Paper towels
Diapers (sizes 3 through 6)
Baby wipes
Fabric softener sheets
Feminine care products
Deodorant (men's and women's)
Children's Needs
School supplies
Outdoor toys, balls, frisbees, etc.
Please no stuffed animals (spreads too many germs)
Household Items and Furniture
​*All items should be gently used and in proper working order
Kitchen supplies, dishes, pots and pans
Larger items (if storage space available): beds, dressers, dining tables, chairs, couches, recliners, and lamps
Guest Needs
Happy Day, McDonalds, or any restaurant gift cards (used on holidays to give volunteers a break)
Gas cards for guests
Grocery gift cards (given to guests when they move into apartments)
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